COPY: Inside this container are Sauder's Free Range Eggs. Tough, technically, the eggs themselves aren't free range. The hens that laid them are. Could you imagine if our small family farmers just let eggs roll around on a range? That'd be crazy. And it wouldn't produce eggs nearly as delicious as the eggs laid by our free range hens.
RED BEET COPY: This bag of Sauder's Red Beet Eggs pays homage to the person who first pulled a beet from the earth and thought, "Yeah, I'm totally eating this thing." Because if it weren't for them, it's possible there'd be no such thing as red beet farmers. And if there were no red beet farmers, there'd be no Sauder's Red Beet Eggs. So thank you, first beet eater. Thank you.
HOT EGGS COPY: Scientists don't know what came first — the chicken or egg. But everyone knows chickens have wings. And it's a fact chicken wings smothered in Buffalo hot sauce are delicious. So we asked ourselves, "Ourselves, wouldn't our hard-cooked eggs bathed in Buffalo hot sauce be just as delicious?" That was a rhetorical question. Because Sauder's Eggs covered in Buffalo hot sauce are undeniably scrumptious. You're Welcome, Science.
FRESH EGGS COPY: Hard-cooked is a funny way to describe these eggs. Not funny "ha-ha" funny. But funny like, "Gee, that's not really funny." funny. Because our hard-cooked eggs aren't hard to cook. And they're not even that hard. In fact, a baby could easily squish one into oblivion. "So, what exactly did I just buy?" you ask. Quality Sauder's Eggs that are cooked to perfection and peeled for your convenience. "Hard-cooked" eggs. Who comes up with this stuff?
As the creative director and copywriter on Sauder's Eggs, I was very involved with developing the strategy that led to the creative work. After digging into their business, understanding their needs and what set them apart from the competition, I helped develop the brand position, “traditionally unconventional.” Sauder's takes an unconventional route in the egg business. They don't go out and buy up a bunch of small farms and treat the producers as vendors, and they have personal relationships with the small family farmers they work with. They don't buy readily available feed for their birds — they have nutritionists develop feed for their animals that is not only better for them but also produces better tasting eggs. I wanted the packaging to reflect their brand differences and strengths in the design and tone.
And I’ve got to say that it’s still cool to walk into the supermarket and see these beauties on the shelf.